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Knoxville Aging In Place - Helping seniors minimize fall risks so they may age in place safely at home.

About Knoxville Aging in Place, Inc.


Knoxville Aging in Place is part of a larger agency called HomeSource east tennessee which focuses on affordable housing in the East Tennessee area including our work with seniors at several apartment complexes which we own.  We have been in operation since the early 90’s.  We have seen how happy seniors and those with varying abilities are when they are confidently living in their current home.  We decided to take our expertise in working with aging adults and people of varying abilities to provide options to help those residents live where they choose to live in a safe and successful manner. 

Tennessee Home Improvement Contractor's License #9450

Nic Middleton

Certified Environmental Access Consultant and CAPS


Jackie Mayo

C.E.A.C and CAPS 

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